TCI Safe Safar won the British Safety Council’s “James Tye Award”

  We are ecstatic to announce that TCI Group’s health and safety initiative, TCI Safe Safar, has been awarded with the prestigious James Tye Award at the International Safety Awards 2020 organized by British Safety Council, one of the top internationally recognized awards in Health & Safety. The British Safety Council awards identify organizations from all over the globe that demonstrate true dedication to keeping their employees and workplace healthy and safe. The James Tye Award, introduced this year, recognizes an organization or team of individuals who have developed and run a campaign in 2019 that has made a significant impact on health, safety or wellbeing in the workplace. The award is named in honour of the British Safety Council’s passionate and charismatic founder James Tye. Out of the 509 organizations of all sizes, types and sectors including businesses from the UK, Africa, Asia, Mainland Europe and the Middle East, TCI bagged this special award. The James Tye Award is a testimony to the endless hard work and dedication that TCI Parivar has put into making TCI Safe Safar a success. Kudos to entire TCI Parivar for continuously prioritizing health and safety. Incredible safety achievement indeed!   #InternationalSafetyAward #SafetyFirstAlways #BritishSafetyCouncil #HealthAndSafety    

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