TCI is committed to sharing insights and knowledge with the industry, to encourage best practice replication.
TCI is committed to sharing insights and knowledge with the industry, to encourage best practice replication.
Transport Corporation of India (TCI), in collaboration with Insurance Institute of India, launched the joint study report “Insurance Requirements of the Indian Logistics and Warehousing Industry and their customers”. The report was unveiled by Shri Nitin Gadkari, Honorable Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Shipping and Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation at an event hosted at the Transport Bhawan, New Delhi on 17th Apr 2018. Objectives of the report is to evaluate the insurance requirements of the Indian Logistics and Warehousing Industry (LWI) and their customers for their in-country operations including multimodal transport; and indicating possible solutions. The research was essentially a quest to find out the gaps between the needs of the logistics industry (and its customers) and the insurance policies available in the Indian market.
In order to get a hard copy of complete report, kindly mail us your request with your full address on marcom@tcil.com, bdsupport@tcil.com
Transport Corporation of India (TCI), in collaboration with IIM Calcutta, launched the 3rd edition of the joint study report titled “Operational Efficiency of Freight Transportation by Road in India”.
The report was unveiled by Shri Nitin Gadkari, Honorable Minister for Road Transport and Highways, and Shipping at an event hosted at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The report is based on the joint survey of road freight
transportation along 28 key routes in India. The aim of the study is to explore new ways to increase the operational efficiency of freight transport by road.
In order to get a hard copy of complete report, kindly mail us your request with your full address on marcom@tcil.com, bdsupport@tcil.com
In the existing overland lorry freight industry, which is dominated by small regional operators, the freight rates are very dynamic. The existing market is very sensitive to issues such as supply demand of trucks, seasonal fluctuation, fuel price hikes, off-loading of major shipment etc. The major lacuna in the existing system is the lack of comprehensive information on the freight rates and the density of freight lorries on certain routes (route density) etc. It is therefore very difficult to predict the on-going trend in freight rates, the emerging trend in lorry availability for a given period and, to analyze the freight rates. Freight rates for different routes on required dates is therefore not readily available, thus
hampering the analysis of freight rates and movement of shipment on local and national level as well. Lack of suchcomprehensive data often results in wide fluctuations of freight rates thereby leading to non-optimization of the freight space. The transport industry in India is highly fragmented and the study of rates is very difficult. No studies have been carried out on rates structure and there are no databases available on the rates and volume of material transported through each routes. The Road Freight Index (RFI), the first of its kind initiative by Transport Corporation of India was started in 1998. TCI being a service provider and a pioneer in the Supply chain solutions Industry, started this service to bring in benchmarks, best practices and standardization into this sector in India, based on global practices. The Road Freight Index (RFI) is an index of weighted average freight rates compiled across various routes, similar to a stock market index.
The Road Freight Index (RFI) is a tool, which helps to make comprehensive analysis of freight trends, route wise and date wise and helps to forecast the freight trends and freight rates for the near future.
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